May 4, 2010

Kitchen Wear

You know, I usually don't mind the kids playing with these. And lately it's been a daily occurrence for my pots, pans, and bowls to disappear from the the kitchen cupboards. But it provides hours of endless fun so, who am I to complain?

But it's looking like I need to draw the line somewhere.

Actual Conversation:

Me: "Joseph! You're naked! Get your clothes!"

Joseph: "Naked?" He looks down.  "Doh! I fordot!! Ha ha!"

And he scampers off to find his underwear.

I'm still not sure how you could forget something like that but next time I'll just tell him to check among the dishes.

I'm getting the feeling that most of you would turn down a dinner invitation right about now.

P.S. You'll also find me over at MMB today telling stories I probably shouldn't be telling. Enjoy!

25 super cool people speak:

Mama Smith said...

If I have to help the children with dressing when we come down...I will be sure to check the pots and pans...FIRST...before going to their bedrooms!!! (smile)

So EXCITED to be seeing all of you this Mother's Day weekend!!!

Scrappy Girl said...

Now that is a place I have never found dirty underwear before!

Kristina P. said...

Who needs expensive toys?

Anonymous said...

My 4 yr old forgets her clothes all the time too. I don't know how but she does. There are times I wish my kids were interested in the pots but they never have been. They are all fond of opening and shutting the cupboard doors that hold them though.

Lindsey Buck said...

Ha! To this day my favorite toy is the vegetable steamer. It is a magical thing!

Brittney said...

haha, you are so famous now on MMB!

Anonymous said...

hahaha! that's so crazy! my almost 4 year old is going through a phase where he doesn't want to wear underwear. Guess I should check my pots and pans. Any one for underwear stew?

Wonder Woman said...

Loved your MMB post. Before I even got to the part where you started naming kids, I knew it was you. I had a laugh or cry moment yesterday and I cried. I'll try to laugh today.

Kristine Mullen said...

It's been a long couple of weeks for me and I sooo needed to lighten up and laugh. So, when I saw you had a new post I figured I'd hop on over to your blog. I knew you wouldn't let me down. Thanks for the laugh.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Hmmmm, simmered underwear. It boggles the mind.
Ya, he fordot! Kids...oh, to be nekked all the time!

Susan Anderson said...

I'll have to go read your post at MMB. I missed it somehow.


See Mom Smile said...

I hate it when I forget I am naked. Thank goodness it's usually only in my dreams. And I will have the soup minus the underwear and the wrench. Thanks.

Pitterle Postings said...

Great post Serene! Love your kids! Maybe, if we ever do dinner, I will bring it just in case!!! I think one of the qualifications for a good mom has got to be a sense of humor! My grandson is forever forgetting that he is naked too! I have not figured that one out yet, but I am sure they might outgrow it!

Cheeseboy said...

My wife has to remind me of the same thing all the time.

I saw you on MMB. Nice work!

ldsjaneite said...

Are they dirty or clean? That makes ALL the difference!

You know, as I'm packing for my umpteenth move, I am reminded of the very odd ways and places I pack some things. And what I've put in my pots and pans, well....

mCat said...

Yep, gonna need to pass on anything from the saucepan.

WHo forgets their underwear? Oh wai, I have forgotten my bra before

Sarah Larsen said...

Joseph is rapidly becoming one of my favorite people. (under the category: blog friend's kids.) :)

Lisa said...

Nothing quite so tasty as a pair of perfectly seasoned underoos! HAHAHAHAHA!!! And he forgot he was naked? That's what my NIGHTMARES are made of! Hysterical!

Charlotte said...

Underwear stew. Sounds delightful. And I, too, have been forced to ponder how someone can forget they aren't wearing underwear.

Saimi said...

Cooking with cloth, the kids a genius!

Teachinfourth said...

Can't make it to dinner on Friday after all…raincheck?

Unknown said...

Want to know a secret? After my kids play in the cupboards, I clean it all up and maybe sometimes forget to wash the pans again. Gross.

Anonymous said...

I've found some interesting things in my pots and pans before, but never a pair of used underware. Oh the stories you tell! :)

Anonymous said...

HAHA. That was funny! Underwear can be really hard to find. I have lost many... (Truth)
Though, I often found them among my toys!


Braden Bell said...

I fordot. LOL. Excellent story.

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