May 26, 2010


Aside from the ever present raging headache that I would just LOVE to squish like a bug under my shoe, and nausea that's almost bad enough to make feel pregnant, I'm feeling much better. The aches and chills have dulled almost to the point of being gone. I feel good enough to move around and take care of basic needs of children and keep them out of trouble.

Good thing too. As great as he was yesterday, Mr. Mom left me with quite a mess to clean up. And I have to feed the missionaries tonight and my mother-in-law is coming tomorrow to watch the kids for me so I can go to the CBC.

I wonder if she'll have trouble finding all my kitchen ware? I suppose I should just leave a note to check outside.

I'm still pretty weak but that's probably from the lack of food. My appetite is back with a raging vengeance and I'd give anything to assault the nearest Wendys.

All in all, I feel set and ready for tomorrow! Assuming my ride still wants to hang with a recovering sickie, and I pack lots of painkillers and chocolate, I think I'll be good.

P.S. I'm also over at MMB today but am whole-hearted embarrassed to send you over there to read as I counted at least three typos. Usually I'm pretty good at catching those! Blast, this is not good good for my image.  :D

24 super cool people speak:

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I read you over at MMB. You are so dang famous!
Ya, I'm pretty sure your ride is willing to go with a sickie. Sick doesn't scare her. I happen to know she's been vaccinated against rabies.
See ya tomorrow.

Oh, my verification word:
You go cowgirl.

mCat said...

Good thing you are on the mend. I want to be reading your review of the CBC

Anonymous said...

So glad you are feeling better! And I hope CBC is awesome! Can't wait to hear about it! Eat some chocolate for me!!

Carrie said...

I cannot relate at all, because I counted 5 typos in my Design Mom post where the world of viewing is even bigger. I wanted to cry:)

and I didn't notice the typos at all. Thoroughly sad that I live too far away to go the CBC. Have fun!!

Wonder Woman said...

Can't wait to see you at CBC! I didn't notice the typos and loved the post.

Neisha said...

haha! I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh when you're not feeling good but the dishes in the yard got me :)

Some day you'll look back and be glad that your kids were very active instead of just sitting around and being quiet :)
At least that's what I try to tell myself!

Cheeseboy said...

Typos are a sign of character. They are like beauty marks.

Have fun at the CBC. Wish they had one for men.

Emily said...

Hi Serene. I have loved all your posts at MMB and I followed you here. You are a fantastic blogger, I have blog envy :). I hope you feel better and enjoy the conference.

Unknown said...

Glad you are starting to get better girl! Moms aren't allowed to get sick! :)

Kam said...

Yay for getting better! The dishes in the yard; so classic.
I love your posts, you're such an awesome blogger, seriously.
And you welcomed me so warmly into the MMB circle.
Keep getting better and go assault any Wendy that passes you by, I encourage you too.

amber_mtmc said...

Yay!! CBC is going to be SUPER fun!! Although, I'm sorry you've been so sick! I hope you feel better soon.

Susan Anderson said...

Have fun at the CBC. Glad you recovered in time to go!


PS. As for the missionaries, maybe you ought to give yourself (and them!) a break and refer them on to a germ-free environment for dinner.

ldsjaneite said...

Glad you're doing better. Have fun this weekend!

Lisa said...

You'll be happy to know that, once again, all I got out of that was wanting to eat fast food. So I did. For you. You're welcome.

Vanessa said...

I am glad you are feeling better, I am sure a couple of days away will do you some good, recuperate your strength I am sure the mess will be doubly exciting when you get back.

Scrappy Girl said...

Hope you feel better soon. That's what my backyard looks like...Dr. Hubby had the nerve to complain when he got home...then he said something about the house being'd think he would have learned not to say such things! lol

Michelle {Fun On a Dime} said...

Great post at MMB. I didn't even notice any errors! If it helps, a couple people wanted to use a post of mine and I didn't notice until after it was posted that I had a handful of errors. One was even an unfinished sentence! So embarrassing for me. I do not know how I missed it! But I figure we all need that "humbling" is a good reminder that we are not perfect!

I love seeing you over at MMB. You are my claim to fame! "Hey, I know that girl! We used to hang out while our kids played..." or something like that! =) Oh, and I'm so jealous that you are going to the conference. Have a blast!

Anonymous said...

Typos happen all the time. Some guy said, "More the Typos, the better!". I can't remember who though!
Anyways, have fun at the CBC...:)

Braden Bell said...

I can't think of a better place for kitchenware. Hope you feel well enough to really enjoy CBC. Wish I was going, too. Tell everyone hi for me.

Mama Smith said...

I am so HAPPY for you, Sarah...Glad that your mother-in-law could help you out...Can hardly wait to hear about your newest "adventure"!

Lindsey Buck said...

Ugh, I was similarly sick a few weeks back. I think there's been something going around. Sickness is for the winter months, dang it! Spring is an awful time to be sick. Glad you're doing better though.

Pitterle Postings said...

So glad you are on the mend! Have a wonderful time at the event!!

Not so Molly Mormon After-All said...

super cool post and I love the super cool people speak...clever, very clever, so glad you are feeling better!

Krista said...

So good to meet you in person and share our fish! I left you a little something on my blog!

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