May 18, 2010


I really was going to wake up early and work out.

I really was going to exercise after the kids were in bed.

I really was going to clean the house.

I really was going to stop eating chocolate for breakfast.

I really was going to catch up on all my emails.

I really was going to plant the garden.

I really was going to make a fun craft with my kids.

I really was going to remain calm at all times.

I really was going to stop making up excuses for not getting things done.

But I didn't.

Hello? Hello? Can anyone hear me? The line is kind of fuzzy. Hello, is this really a magic phone like daddy says it is? Hello? What year is it?

Oh nuts, I can never tell which phone is ringing. *sigh* So many people clamoring for my attention. Hello? Yes, I can hear you, just barely. This is 2010.

Whoa... it's 1984 here. My name is Serene, who's this?

Really? Cool, I'm your daughter Alayna. Hey hey hey Jacob, it's mommy! From when she was in diapers.... Okay, that's a little disturbing. What's up! Why are you calling?

Oh, no way! Tell me ALL about myself. What am I like? Am I awesome, am I cool, am I smart? Am I just the best mother ever? Oh I just KNOW I am!

Ooh ohh... and what's my favorite food? Favorite toy? Favorite VHS?

*crickets chirping*  Uhhhh... what's a VHS? And um, right now you're blogging about all the things you didn't do yesterday in a feeble attempt to get out of doing them again.

Oh um, okay. That sounds... interesting and um... sort of cool. 

What's blogging?

28 super cool people speak:

the fowlers said...

isn't it weird that our kids won't even know what a rotary phone is or have any concept of life without computers?

and i'm trying to pretend that if i blog between laundry loads i'm being productive. maybe?

gigi said...

Cute ;)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I love it.
Ya, I remember the days with NO internet. Try that one on for size.
AND no color TV. Yum I was a junior in high school when we got our first color TV. I used to watch it every day when I got home from walking uphill through 15 feet of snow everyday....both ways.

Cute post. I think I see a resemblance to some of the future kiddos.

ldsjaneite said...


Susan Anderson said...


Clever post, Serene. Loved it.


Lisa said...

VHS is all you got? Try NO MOUSSE for hair! I know! And no flat irons, no computers, no cell phones. BUT, you won't believe this one~we were some of the first people in our neighborhood to get a microwave oven! Not even shizzing you!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Flat iron? Oh man, I'm still way behind on the times cause I still don't have one of those!

Neisha said...

haha :)

Pitterle Postings said...

Love it Serene! How about no computer games! We actually went outside to play with our toys and not inside! (In the AZ summer 115 degrees in the heat!) Oh the things they will never know or understand!!! By the way, she looks just like you!

Lisa said...

By the way, I pushed "publish" for your last comment on my blog and somehow, it isn't showing up. Which has made me go back to NO comment moderation, as it's annoying and unstable. So go back and re-do, will ya?

Braden Bell said...

Great post. I am amazed at how much different my childhood was from my kids'. It is so much more different than my childhood is from my dad's, or even my grandparents'.

Vanessa said...

That is just sooooo cute. Isn't it funny how kids are so much more into technology? they know so much...

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Loooooooooved those pictures!!! Aren't we so happy that cameras have made such advances so our kids don't look fuzzy, muted, and yellow? :)

Cluttered Brain said...

Oooh. I LOVE the necklace and your girly talking to you on the phone...

Ahh, life was so much simpler when we were younger and we just had ourselves to take care of.


Thanks for making me laugh again and I am SO GLAD you can read my blog again! That is weird!!
But YEAH for YOU!!!!

mCat said...

Just last Sunday we were at my moms and she has an old rotary phone in the toy room. None of the kids knew what it was! Hysterical!

Lindsey Buck said...

Ha!!! SO cute!

One of the joys of blogging would be the fact that someday the kids will see this and realize how crazy mom was back in 2010...

The relating pic of you as a kid and them was sweet. Great post. :)

Anonymous said...

You are so funny! And completely amazing too. I can never come up with the fun, zanny ideas you do for blogging!

Kristina P. said...

You are too cute and funny. As is your daughter, obviously.

Doran & Jody said...

That's REALLY sumpin'. :)

Saimi said...

Serene you are way too funny and clever!! Loved the post!!

Amy said...

LOL! This was so cute!! What's blogging... ha ha ha! priceless.
What a cool idea.
Don't worry, I haven't worked out for the last... uh... prolly two weeks? Yeah. And my brother's wedding is on Thursday and there's no way I'm going to be as hot and skinny as I had intended to be.
O well.
We'll just suck it in, ladies.

Charlotte said...

My kids were perplexed the other day when I informed them that I didn't have a cell phone as a teenager because they were yet to exist (or maybe just weren't as prevalent). How did anyone call you when you weren't at home?

I think a rotary phone would blow their minds.

At least you are extremely clever in your procrastination!

Kelly and Sara said...

Just found your blog and it is so cute! Hope you are having a great week :) Follow us at:

Marie said...

Hey Serene darling blog :)

Anonymous said...

LOL. Cute post. Glad you blog about everything...:)

Garvin Smith said...
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Mother Smith said...

I never saw my FIRST TELEVISION...till I was "7" years old!!! and it was only in BLACK AND WHITE!!! (smile)(OUCH...that ages me among you young'uns...)

See Mom Smile said...

I will do all those things in my next life. Life is too short to not blog.

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